Tuesday, April 25, 2006

dont read this unless read most to entire book. i mean seriously a couple pages from the end or something

ok well! i'm finally going to blog about the book!
i am done with the book...
it's really good.not as good as the da vinci code was, but interesting enough.
i thought it was really cool how he uses "scientific" and "believable" facts to make the story very believable. like with da vinci code, thats what makes it controversial(sp?). well before my entire blog becomes about the da vinci code....

one of the things that really kept the story going was how dan brown kept adding facts about how it could be these selected few people behind doing these different things. like when it came down to the senator or majorie tench and pickering meeting at the FDR memorial and the reader wasnt informed of who died. that was really good to draw the reader in. after that point in the book i couldnt put it down.

hmm...so passage?
"The sub ws now three feet beneath the surface. moving to the bow, tolland pressed his face against the glass and peered through the dome. rachel was banging on the glass and shouting.the fear in her voice made him feel powerless. for an instant he was back in a cold hospital, watching the woman he loved die and knowing there was nothing he could do. hovering underwater in front of the sinking sub, tolland told himself he could not endure this again. you're a survivor, celia had told him, ut tolland did not want to survive alone...not again"

awww sweet part. i like how he brought in some romance to the story in a way. i knew they were going to get together from the beginning though :]] but tolland was thinking good when he thought of the sub being "bullet proof" i mean i wouldnt be smart enough to know that. but my question is...how the heck did his boat stay therE??? and how did he not get eaten by the sharks while he was trying to get rachel out of the sub?? ahh weirdness!! lol

well comments yo! end of class


Monday, April 24, 2006


Well I'm still really far behind but oh well...for some reason i just can't get into this book...mmmm o well

so i guess the passage i posted on my "um yeah" post was pretty important. im at the part where the President is giving his press conference about the meteorite. Also where we find out that more people know about the affair than just Sexton and Ashe. The Delta team seems to be involved in just about everything in this book from the meteorite to the affair. weird i want to know who put The Delta team there to cover up the secret. I suppose I should just keep reading them huh

no one comments! come on people

YLittle Miss CourtneyY

Friday, April 14, 2006

hmmm i had a sudden urge to post something random!

Never talk to muffin trees...why you ask well watch this film and you'll see

i dont why but i had a sudden urge to post random stuff

okay so i'm reading this book...i think it might be just me but i have to go back and re-read a little cause im getting confused mixing some stuff up lol am i the only one who does that? well at least in the beginning involving the fossil and stuff alot of info to digest some pretty BIG words if you ask me.

okay now that i finished re-reading some confusing chapters (atleast to me anyway) i understand. GO Me!

YLittle Miss CourtneyY

Um yeah...

Hello all!

there's a passage in the book that says "More recently, another microbot stationed inside a prominent senator's office to monitor his personal meetings had captured images of a lurid exualencouter."

i find that passage really funy cause I'm pretty sure it's referring to Senator Sexton and he thinks people believe that didn't happen. I think lol

im really hungry!

YMiss CourtneyY

Thursday, April 13, 2006

i have a feeling im behind

i started reading like tuesday so im not really far but what i've been wondering is why is NASA keeping their discovery such a secret???

yeah i like this book so far except the whole leave you hanging thing lol

YMiss CourtneyY

woot woot....so i shall have the second post on this bloggggg thing :]]
i made it btw lol

so the book so far is typical of dan brown. really draws you in and makes you want to read more. I have just gotten to a big turning point? well i wont say it on here in case you people havent gotten there.

my thought provoking question...
what is the president want rachel to do for him that would help him and flush her father's campaign down the drain?

lol well i know some of it...but anybody else take a guess?
